Allotment Hard Standing Area

Message from the Chairman

Morning Colleagues,

You may remember in a previous e-mail that we were hoping to form a hard standing area at the start of the Allotment track so as to alleviate a current Health and Safety issue in Winter as well as tidying up that part of the track.

Thanks to Paul Gibney we have fund raised enough money to start the project in the next few weeks and hope to get it completed within the day. The company chosen to do the job is York Landscapes Ltd and the MD Rob will be there on the day should you wish to chat with him.

This will create hard standing for 3 cars (for use of allotmenteers only) and may we remind you that as per our lease cars should only be used for dropping off or picking up large items.


On behalf of the Allotment Committee

Chairman, Wilberfoss Allotments Association

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