2017 Autumn Newsletter

  1. Autumn Clean Up – Following a very busy growing season it is now time to clear and prepare the allotment for next Spring.  Old vegetation should be dug up and composted where possible or incinerated if you have the appropriate container.  Please do not dump allotment waste in the hedge bottom.  As a good neighbour please make certain that weeds are not allowed to seed and spread to other allotments.
  2. Manure – Autumn is a good time to dig over the soil and SPARINGLY spread manure over the surface.  Please be aware that heavy mulching with manure will do more harm than good and potentially alter the PH level (acid/alkaline levels) making it impossible for some crops to grow.  The onion and legume family do not like to be planted in freshly spread manure.
  3. Rats – Rats and rabbits remain a potential problem and we ask all plot holders to remain vigilant and take appropriate action – that means making sure all gates are closed to keep rabbits out and taking care not to damage the perimeter fence. Good housekeeping measures can deter rats, notably putting chicken wire under compost bins, removing piles of rubbish where rats can nest and avoiding areas of standing water where they can drink.  As harvest time comes to an end the supply of food in the fields dwindles dramatically. Rats therefore look for an alternative source of food. Please ensure that all crops likely to attract rats e.g beans, sweetcorn, courgettes, marrows, pumpkins are harvested and taken off the plot asap. Please do not leave produce lying around. If you spot signs of rat infestation please notify Colin on 07922662824 who has a supply of rat bait.
  4. Trees – In late November early December we will be planting five trees on the corner next to the Allotment car park, the trees have been chosen for their different colours, blossom, and berries/fruit.  There will be:

Rowan (Mountain Ash), green leaf with red berries.
Whitebeam with oval leaves, green above and grey below with orange-red berries.
One Acer Crimson King with purple leaf.
Two Malus (Flowering Crab), one with green leaf the other with red, both will have pink or red blossom followed by small fruit.

All the trees will have an average height of twenty feet when mature in approximately 10 years. All trees will be staked and tied to limit any wind rock, All trees have been chosen to best suit the heavy clay soil type

    1. Website – (Report from the Editor, Wilberfoss Allotments web-site)

New things always take a bit of time to get going and the full benefits realised. The Wilberfoss allotments web-site is no exception. However, I’m pleased to say that the site and the associated Twitter account are both doing really well. We have 12 members now signed up to the website who are able to view the members section – but we get a lot more visits than that, with an average of 2 visitors each day looking at the site. In all, 125 new visitors to the site have been logged over the last three months mostly from the UK but with significant numbers also coming from Canada, the USA and Australia.

Twitter – We now have 32 ‘Followers’ on our Twitter account and are beginning to get our ‘tweets re-tweeted’ by other allotment associations and interested individuals throughout the UK. There’s some very useful information posted here so, if you have a Twitter account, why not follow us at: http://twitter.com/wfossallotments

Gardening Tips – We have managed to post articles containing valuable gardening tips throughout the growing season and I know at least a couple of visitors to the site have said they appreciate them. But we need articles! So if you have some good tips or tricks on how to grow great produce, please send the details over to me  and I will add any additional photos – although your photos would be appreciated. And on the subject of photos…

Photo Gallery – There are a couple of members sending in their photos to add to the gallery and yours would be welcome – just send the photos to me with a suitable caption by e-mail to editor@wilberfossallotments.com We really want to see your pictures! You don’t have to sign up to the website to send in your pics and view the full gallery on-line – So get snapping! If you have any difficulties or need help accessing the site please e-mail me and I will call you and talk you through it.

  1. AGM  –  9 NOVEMBER, COMMUNITY CENTRE, WILBERFOSS STARTING AT 7PM prompt. Chris will send out a reminder one week before the due date.  Please do try to attend your Allotment AGM
  2. D T Brown Catalogue – The AA have special prices from the above company equating to 50% off packet seed prices and 15% off non-seed items (these discounts available on minimum Association volume)  These should be available at the AGM
  3. Autumn Planting – it is possible to sow broad beans, onions and garlic around the end of September/October. Subject to the severity of the weather over winter you should get early crops next year.  Your local garden centre should be able to supply and help with these items

Wilberfoss Allotment committee

August 2017

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