Spring Newsletter 2019

A very warm welcome to the Spring Newsletter!

  1. New Plot Holders – If you see any of the following new members please do go over and introduce yourself:
    Celine & John Durkin 2a
    Roy & Linda Turner 12a
  2. Health & Safety/Plot Inspection – To maintain the Allotments as a safe environment we undertake an H&S review 2 or 3 times a year. This involves 2 people from the Committee inspecting the perimeter fence as well as gates to make certain they are as rabbit proof as possible. This also gives us an opportunity to see if there are any dangers lurking on the plots. The next review will take place end of April
  3. Allotment Track – As the track is in need of repair can we ask that you do not use vehicles on it until it is repaired and also refer you to the Dos and Don’ts which state that vehicles can only be used to drop off or collect items. Vehicles must then be taken home or parked on the hard standing (at the beginning of the Allotments) only. Thank you for your consideration
  4. BBQ – Last July saw us celebrate our 10th Anniversary by holding a BBQ at Grant Burton’s farm to the rear of the allotments. This was a huge success and we have been asked by Members if we could do a similar event this year. We therefore propose to do the same again in July and would ask that you contact Steve on 01759 380546 to register your interest
  5. Web Site – The Wilberfoss Allotments website goes from strength to strength with nearly half the members signed up to access the site – which will shortly restart providing regular gardening tips for the new season.  The site is a steady source of enquiries about allotment availability from new residents and even some in the process of moving to Wilberfoss and has helped us ensure we have full occupancy on the site.
    The Twitter account also continues to make progress with some 45 followers – if you aren’t amongst the followers of @wfossallotments on Twitter – why not get involved in the conversation!
  6. Gates – Please make certain that the 3 gates are closed as soon as you enter and exit the allotments. This will ensure that rabbits do not go in and destroy our crops
  7. Surplus Crop/Item Exchange – Please place exchange items by the shed for any allotmenteers to take, in addition to asking John to place on the Website
  8. Vacant Plots Do you know anyone who would like to grow their own fruits and vegetables and live in the Parish of Wilberfoss. If so get them to ring Gill on 01759 380725 as we have two plots available now
  9. D T Brown SeedsThis year again saw most people using the above and saving 50% of seeds and 25% on some non-seed items. This continues to be a helpful service offered to members of Wilberfoss Allotment Association.

Wilberfoss Allotment Committee

Spring 2019


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