Autumn Newsletter 2019

  1. Summer BBQ – Our 2nd barbecue took place at Grant Burtons farm this summer and was a huge success with over 40 people enjoying the summer weather and the barbequed morsels. A big thanks to Grant and to everyone that made it a successful event
  2. Surplus Produce, Tools or Plants – If you have any of the above and you want to share them with your fellow allotmenteers, please leave them with a small notice under the notice board by plot 1 Alternatively go on line and register your offering on the website
  3. Gardening club Discounts – Thanks to Gill we should all now have our Association Membership Card. Just a reminder this also acts as a discount for Deans and Vertigro where you can save money on a wide range of gardening items
  4. New Track between snicket and Allotment Path – I am delighted to be able to tell you that sometime in September our contractor will be removing the grass in the centre of the track and laying and compressing planings The cost of this is just short of £1000 of which half comes from fund raising we did two years ago and the other half will be matched by the Parish Council. This should make access on the track more navigable
  5. Autumn Clean Up – At the end of a very busy growing season it will be time to clear and prepare the allotment for next Spring. Old vegetation should be dug up and composted where possible or incinerated if you have the appropriate container. Please do not dump allotment waste in the hedge bottom or in the Farmers field. As a good neighbour please make certain that weeds are not allowed to seed and spread to other allotments
  6. Manure – Please be aware that we are unable to confirm if we are likely to receive any free manure this year. But in case we do here are a few tips: Autumn is a good time to dig over the soil and SPARINGLY spread manure over the surface. Heavy mulching with manure will do more harm than good and potentially alter the PH level (acid/alkaline levels) making it impossible for some crops to grow. The onion and legume family do not like to be planted in freshly spread manure
  7. Rats – Rats and rabbits remain a potential problem and we ask all plot holders to remain vigilant and take appropriate action – that means making sure ALL GATES ARE CLOSED to keep rabbits out and taking care not to damage the perimeter fence
    Good housekeeping measures can deter rats, notably putting chicken wire under compost bins, removing piles of rubbish where rats can nest and avoiding areas of standing water where they can drink.
    As harvest time comes to an end the supply of food in the fields dwindles dramatically. Rats therefore look for an alternative source of food. Please ensure that all crops likely to attract rats e.g beans, sweetcorn, courgettes, marrows, pumpkins are harvested and taken off the plot asap. Please do not leave produce lying around.
    If you spot signs of rat infestation please notify Colin on 07922662824 who has a supply of rat bait.
  8. Trees – Should you have fruit trees on your allotment please can you check that these do not need pruning/lopping as they should not over shadow your neighbours’ plot. Recommended height should be 6-8 feet.
    Should you be thinking of growing fruit trees on your plot why not consider growing dwarf fruit trees
  9. Website – Report from the Editor, Wilberfoss Allotments web-site
    Wilberfoss Allotments Association Website and Twitter Account
    Although there has been relatively little activity in recent months with no new gardening articles added to the web-site, there continues to be a steady stream of visits to the site.
    The Twitter account also has well over 70 followers. So, the basis for a much more active on-line presence is there. But it needs more contributors and more time (which the editor has lacked over the last 6 months).
    So the editor is looking for:
    Volunteers who are knowledgeable about Twitter would be invaluable – as they could provide support in generating regular posts or suggesting re-tweets useful articles on the site.
    …And importantly, volunteers for a new team to meet once a month to add a new article to the site to coincide with the gardening calendar.
    If you are interested and can spare some time – please contact the editor at
  10. AGM – 7th NOVEMBER, COMMUNITY CENTRE, WILBERFOSS STARTING AT 7.30PM prompt. If you would like to become a Committee member please contact Gill on 380725 before the AGM. Gill will send out a reminder before the due date. Please do try to attend your Allotment AGM
  11. D T Brown Catalogue – The Allotment Association have special prices from the above company equating to 50% off packet seed prices and 20% off onion, garlic type products (these discounts available on minimum Association volume) Catalogues should be available at the AGM
  12. Autumn Planting – it is possible to sow broad beans, onions and garlic around the end of September/October. Subject to the severity of the weather over winter you should get early crops next year. Your local garden centre should be able to supply and help with these items
  13. Inspection of plots– This will be carried out by two Members of the Committee and will take place in October.

Wilberfoss Allotment Committee

Autumn 2019

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