Spring Newsletter 2020

A very warm welcome to the Spring Newsletter!

1 New Plot Holders – If you see any of the following new members please do go over and introduce yourself:

Caroline Johnson Plot 9C
Susan & Peter Watkinson Plot 19A

2 Health & Safety/Plot Inspection – To maintain the Allotments as a safe environment we undertake an H&S review 2 or 3 times a year.  This involves 2 people from the Committee inspecting the perimeter fence as well as gates to make certain they are as rabbit proof as possible.  This also gives us an opportunity to see if there are any dangers lurking on the plots.  The next review will take place in April.
3 BBQ – This was a huge success and we have been asked by Members if we could do a similar event this year.  We therefore propose to do the same again in July but it would be at The Wilberfoss Pavillion. More details to follow.
4 Web Site & Twitter – The website continues to attract visitors from other parts of the country, but we really need other members to  be contributing their tips and hints on how to grow  the best vegetables, deal with problems or even just to show us their successes. Just send you contributions to editor@wilberfossallotments.org and we will do the rest.

Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter #Wilberfossallotments

5 Gates – Please make certain that the 3 gates are closed as soon as you enter and exit the allotments.  This will ensure that rabbits do not go in and destroy our crops.
6 Surplus Crop/Item Exchange – Please place exchange items by the shed for any allotmenteers to take, in addition to asking John to place on the Website
7 Bulbs – a few of the allotment committee have planted 12 kilos of spring bulbs under the trees by the car park. Let’s hope we have a lovely display!
8  Plot Numbering – As we now offer ¼ plots as well as ½ plots (when available) we have decided to split all plots into alphabetical quarters. All plot numbers will remain the same i.e. plot 1 – plot 21 but for instance if you have plot 1a it will now become plot 1a&b. Should you have a whole plot this will now be the plot number then a,b,c,d. The change is to make the administration of the allotments easier. If you would like any further information please contact a committee member.

Wilberfoss Allotments in Quarter Plots
No A B C D
21 Grant Grant Morris Morris
20 Askew Askew Askew Askew
19 Watkinson Chapman Chapman Chapman
18 Smith Smith N Turner N Turner
17 Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn
16 Ripley Ripley Morris Morris
15 Vale Vale Simmonds Simmonds
14 Atkin Atkin Atkin Atkin
13 Fairbass Fairbass Terry Terry
12 R Turner R Turner Allen Allen
11 Langstaff Langstaff Masternak Masternak
10 Stark Stark Masternak Masternak
9 Bryan Bryan Johnson Metcalfe
8 Rains Rains Irvin Irvin
7 Stalker Stalker Stalker Stalker
6 Pope Pope Gleeson-Jones Spall
5 Gaunt Gaunt Ward Ward
4 Dennison Dennison Dennison Dennison
3 Brammall Brammall Cooper Cooper
2 Durkin Durkin Ponting Brabbs
1 Ponting Ponting Brabbs Brabbs
9 Shed – We are looking for a shed to be placed on the allotment site, so that we can keep spare tools and equipment in it for plot holders to use. So if you know anyone who might be disposing of a shed approx. 6×8 can you inform anyone on the committee. We have been able to purchase a second hand motor mower for all our members to use.
10 Greenhouse – One of our members has a small greenhouse that he no longer needs. It does need some new glass. Anyone interested should contact Steve on 01759 380546
11 Chairman and Treasurer – Steve and Geoff have both indicated that they will not stand for re-election at the next A.G.M. We therefore need to fill these posts in November. If you would like any further information as to what the jobs entail please ring Steve 0n 01759 380546 for a chat.
12 Deans Garden Centre/ Vertigrow – We are pleased to inform you that you will be able to get a 10% discount on some items again this year at the York store. You should now have your Wilberfoss Allotment card. Please show your membership card at the till point. You will still be able to obtain your Deans loyalty points (if you have a card) as well. Veritgrow also offers us a discount with your card.

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