Spring Newsletter 2021

  1. New Plot Holders – If you see any of the following new members please do go over and introduce yourself:
    Kirsty Goodwin Plot 18 c&d
    Emma & Dominic Johnson Plot 10 c&d
    Amy & Matt Parkin Plot 5 a&b
    Churyue & John Brian Plot 7a
    Laura & Alex Hadiaris Plot 12 c&d
  2. Health & Safety/Plot Inspection – To maintain the Allotments as a safe environment we undertake an H&S review 2 or 3 times a year. This involves 2 people from the Committee inspecting the perimeter fence as well as gates to make certain they are as rabbit proof as possible. This also gives us an opportunity to see if there are any dangers lurking on the plots. The next review will take place in April.
  3. Planting – Now is the time to get your seed potatoes in a tray to chit (produce shoots) prior to planting out late March/April dependent, on the weather. Onions sets and garlic can be sown around the same time. If you are uncertain when to start seeds off either in a greenhouse or directly into the ground, please contact a Committee member for advice.
  4. Wilberfoss Allotments Website and Twitter Account (Report from the Editor) – Although last year was a very quiet year on the website, it still played a valuable role in attracting new allotmenteers searching for allotments in the area. As Editor, I’m determined that 2021 will be different!! There are already some really good articles on the website covering a range of subjects from growing garlic to blossom-end rot on tomatoes and what to do about it. The target for the coming year is a minimum of at least one new article per month. So, if you have some great tips and want to show off your expertise – or there are subjects you would like to see covered, please contact me via the website or directly by email: editor@wilberfossallotments.com
    Can I also point those of you who Tweet to the Wilberfoss Allotment Twitter account: @wfossallotments We have 74 Followers on Twitter – but only a handful of our own allotmenteers!! If I commit to providing a steady stream of tweets and retweets on relevant topics this year, I know I will be able to count on everyone to join the conversation. So get tweeting… Volunteer required – social media fame awaits! And here’s another area you can help. I don’t really use Facebook – I know I should, but I’ve just never got round to it. I’m looking for a real Facebook enthusiast who would volunteer to manage our Facebook presence. Any Takers?? Think of the social media status you would gain – who knows with the right content we could even go viral.
  5. BBQ – In previous years we have held a barbeque at Grant Burton’s farm which has proven very successful, giving members & family time to meet up and enjoy other people’s company. Last year we were going to do the same at the Sports Pavilion but this was cancelled due to Covid. If we are allowed to gather would you be interested? It will be subsidized and could take place later in the year. If you are interested please contact Steve on 380546.
  6. Surplus Crop/Item Exchange – Please place exchange items by the community shed (plot 2c) for any allotmenteers to take, in addition to asking John to place on the Website
  7. Covid 19 Rules – It is imperative that we all follow the rules laid down by the Government. Only one allotmenteers tenant’s bubble allowed on the plot and social distancing at all time. We have to enforce this rule to stay open, so please respect this ongoing request.
  8. Gates – Please make certain that the 3 gates are closed as soon as you enter and exit the allotments. This will ensure that rabbits do not go in and destroy our crops
  9. Track – We are once again getting complaints about the number and size of vehicles travelling on the track to our allotments and the speed that some are travelling. If this continues we are likely to lose ALL vehicle access, so please adhere to the guidelines below: Only cars and small vans my use the track to transport items to your plot. Vehicles should then be parked on the parking area at the entrance to the site. You should not exceed 5 miles per hour whilst on the track as this is also used by families and dog walkers.
  10. Deans Garden Centre/ Vertigrow – We are pleased to inform you that you will be able to get a 10% discount on some items again this year at the York store. Please show your membership card at the till point. You will still be able to obtain your Deans loyalty points (if you have a card) as well. Vertigrow also offers us a discount with your card. Membership cards for 2021/2022 will be with you soon!
  11. Community Orchard – We have created a community orchard on plot 2c which includes dwarf stock apples, plums and pear trees. It will be interesting to see it develop and bear fruits in the ongoing years. Thanks to Tony Bryan, George Brabbs and Colin Terry for their input and continued support.
  12. Manure – We are hopeful that once again we will have two loads of manure delivered at both ends of the allotment track. Manure should be used sparingly and not piled on top of the plot as this will affect the acidity of the plot and inhibit a lot of plants from growing. As a good neighbour please adhere to the ‘useful tips’ section of your contract pack ad only use what you need on the day and do not store excess manure on your plot.

Wilberfoss Allotment Committee

Spring 2021

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